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A CSRD report is lying on a SChreib table.
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Sports Business/05/22/2024

Green change in Europe: What the sports and outdoor industry can expect now, part 2

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👍The term is cumbersome, as is the implementation: as part of the Green Deal, the EU's new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) sets new standards for companies in terms of environmental and climate protection as well as human rights. Supply chain controls, digital product passports, sustainability reports - sports and outdoor brands also have to adapt. Find out in this article which measures are important now and how you can prepare your company for the new requirements.

đŸ—čOn April 24, 2024, the EU Parliament approved the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD or CS3D). The new due diligence directive for companies is part of the series of laws known under the umbrella term "Green Deal". "This is a strong sign that legislation in Europe is setting important priorities when it comes to climate and environmental protection and respect for human rights. Fittingly, the CSDDD has now been adopted precisely on #FashionRevolutionDay, which commemorates the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh," wrote Antje von Dewitz, CEO of Vaude, on her LinkedIn profile.

🧜The Green Deal was conceived as a comprehensive approach to managing and reducing pollution in the broadest sense in order to mobilize more companies and investors to make an ecological transition. It is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement of 2015.

àœ§The concrete implementation is an extra-financial or triple accounting report that will fulfill the requirements of the taxonomy, CSRD and CSDD. According to experts, an internal processing time of between twelve and eighteen months is required, depending on the size and maturity of the company. In the meantime, how can we take the right measures in terms of governance and corporate compliance? What to look out for when sourcing.

On March 27 at 11 a.m., we will present the focal points and ideas of the next ISPO Munich. Be one of the first to find out what to expect - and contribute your questions and wishes in the live Q&A session!
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