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"Repair Instead of Discarding": Sustainability in the Spotlight of the Sports World

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ꦐBroken smartphone or faulty sports watch? Wertgarantie focuses on "repair instead of discarding." With services like the workshop search and the TechManager app, damages are quickly resolved—sustainably and hassle-free. Discover how you can protect both the environment and your budget!

☂Sustainability as a Driving Force in the Sports Industry

Whether on the trail, in the mountains, or during daily training, sustainability has become a central focus in the sports industry. Active athletes who rely on smart devices like sports watches, GPS trackers, or smartphones often face a common issue when these gadgets are damaged. Too often, replacement is chosen over exploring repair options. However, solutions that embrace circular economy principles can benefit both the environment and consumers' wallets. 
A pioneer in this field is the insurance provider Wertgarantie, which champions the "repair instead of discarding" approach as an alternative to throwaway consumption. "We aim to increase the visibility of repair shops and strengthen the repair culture, so that repairs are perceived as what they should be: normal and self-evident," explains Konrad Lehmann, Member of the Executive Board at Wertgarantie. 
𝕴Their free the process for consumers to locate a suitable repair service. With over 2,300 workshops across Germany and Austria and a 98% success rate, Wertgarantie makes it easy to arrange a nearby repair.

Person auf Fahrrad fährt durch Pfütze
For every eventuality: Wertgarantie offers comprehensive service for carefree outdoor adventures.
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Wearables: Repair Services as a Modern Solution

Wearables like smartwatches, GPS devices, and action cameras are indispensable for many athletes. They track every step, measure performance data, and assist with navigation. But what happens when a device fails, such as after a mountain biking fall? 
This is where Wertgarantie comes into play. With comprehensive repair and protection solutions, the insurer offers quick assistance without requiring upfront payments from customers—provided they choose partner retailers. 
„Wertgarantie covers the costs for repairs, provided they are technically feasible and economically reasonable. Alternatively, a replacement device of the same type and quality may be provided. If a repair is no longer possible or economically viable, the customer will receive either the new purchase contribution contractually agreed upon at the time of the damage or – if higher – the current market value of the device,” says Jenifer Rahmani, Customer Service Team Leader. 
🦹The synergy between technology and sustainability is clear: wearables not only enhance athletic performance but also align perfectly with the principles of a circular economy. Repairs extend their lifespan, reduce electronic waste, and help protect the environment. 

Person auf Alpspitze
Well insured – even in extreme situations: Wertgarantie provides tailored solutions for smartphones, cameras, and other gadgets.
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More Than Bikes: Solutions for Outdoor Sports

For outdoor activities like trail running or climbing, Wertgarantie offers tailored solutions. Beyond wearables, outdoor equipment such as cameras and technical gadgets can also be insured through Wertgarantie. Devices are repaired as soon as a claim is reported—either through partner workshops or the . 
Advantages for Retailers: Repair services strengthen customer loyalty. By offering their customers quick and reliable repairs, retailers stand out from the competition while promoting sustainable behavior. 
✱The streamlines the entire process: users can report damage or theft with just a few clicks, track the status of their devices, and rely on a digital, transparent experience. “With TechManager, users always have an overview of their devices and insurance coverage,” explains Sönke Kopp, Team Lead for Mobile App Solutions at Wertgarantie. 

🔴Conclusion: Sustainability and Technology as a Basis for Innovation

Sustainability and technology go hand in hand, driving innovation in the sports industry. Wertgarantie is setting new benchmarks with its repair-first focus: damages are resolved quickly and easily, e-waste is minimized, and consumers benefit from seamless service. 
ꦚWhy Retailers and Consumers Choose Wertgarantie: 

  • Easy damage reporting and repair processing 
  • Support for the circular economy 
  • Comprehensive digital services like the TechManager app 

💃The future of the sports industry is sustainable—and Wertgarantie demonstrates how partnerships between insurers, retailers, and consumers can drive this transformation. From wearables to outdoor equipment and smart gadgets, repair instead of discard remains the motto for a resource-efficient sports world. 

Berge mit Schnee
Outdoor equipment like wearables has to withstand a lot. Wertgarantie’s repair service is there to help with any necessary fixes.
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