Winter sports/01/25/2021

Dynafit on the Piste Touring Boom: "We Need Guiding Systems and Long-Term Concepts"

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ꦜPiste touring is becoming even more popular in the Corona winter. But what consequences does the ski touring boom have for the winter sports industry? Dynafit CEO Benedikt Böhm talks about the development.

Benedikt Böhm sees a merging of the alpine and ski touring markets in the future.
Benedikt Böhm sees a merging of the alpine and ski touring markets in the future.

🔴Full parking lots despite the pandemic and lots of closed ski lifts: Despite strict Corona measures, the ski touring boom continues unabated. Piste touring in particular is attracting winter sports beginners. Manufacturers like Dynafit recognized the upswing early on and are working with ski resorts across the board. But there are still unused potentials in bringing together alpinists and touring.

💃Benedikt Böhm, CEO of Dynafit, talks about the trend sport and its upswing in an interview with

On March 27 at 11 a.m., we will present the concept of ISPO Munich 2025. Be one of the first to find out what focal points and ideas await you - and help shape it!