Yoga is now part of many training plans. The reason for this is sometimes the positive effect on health. Yoga is not only a trend sport, but a true benefit for the body and balm for the soul. Yoga in combination with action sports c൲an improve results and increase the performance of athletes. explores the positive effects of yoga on action sports.
- Yoga and action sports: the perfect combination of action and ♓relaxation
- Inconspicuous yoga exercises have a big effect
- Surfeꦇrs and mountain bikers benefit especially from yoga training
- Action sports pros like 🐷Kelly Slater swear by yoga
- Sports companies run yoga camps
- Surf & yoga offers as balance and preparation
- The action sports market relies on yoga
- Daily gonꦡg in the company of everyday life to the meditation minute
Snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding or mountain biking are extreme sports that put a very one-sided strain on the body and also have a high stress level. The🔴 situation is completely different with yoga. It provides a p꧃hysical and mental balance, corrects imbalances in the body and calms the mind. The combination of the two approaches is therefore becoming increasingly popular.
Not least because yoga also promotes flexibility and mental strength, helping athletes to♌ prevent injuries or recover more quickly and remain calm and focused in stressful situations such as contests. Through stretching, yoga loosens hardened or tense muscles and thus increases the overall performance of the body.
Yoga also trains mental strength and breathing. You concentrate on your breath and balance the moveꦰments of inhalꦫation and exhalation. Through deep breathing, you generate strength and composure and live completely in the moment - similar to surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding or mountain biking, where you act intuitively.
The positive effects that yoga has on action s💞ports areℱ quite impressive:
- strengthens the body
- helps to find a better balance
- provides a better energy flow
- increases flexibility
- prevents wear and tear and injuries
- relaxes
- improves endurance and breathing technique