Image credit:
Jason Goodman/Unsplash
Eine Frau und ein Mann sitzen gut gelaunt an einem Bürotisch.
Image credit:
Jason Goodman/Unsplash

Corporate Health: So that the job doesn't make you sick

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Are sporadic sporting events or the infamous table football game enough for a company to offer good corporate health managemen♌t? "No", says the World Health Organization (WHO). It calls for comprehensive initiatives for satisfying work and a healthy environment. The DHL Group is a pioneer in the sense of the WHO. At the global logistics company, not only the approximately 594,000 employees, but also customers, the Group and investors benefit from holistic health promotion.

Logistics is a tough job. Every shipment has to arrive on time - around the clock, around the globe. Physical exertion and stress are part of everyday life: whether at the wheel of a truck or in the cockpit of a cargo plane, whether on the night shift in a mail or parcel hub or🤡 in order picking in a supply chain warehouse, whether in one of the three global IT data centers or in management at the headquarters in Bonn. The DHL Group has drawn up a Health & Well-Being Policy to ensure that employees' health does not fall by the wayside. The Group's voluntary commitment recently won the German Corporate Health Award 2023, with the jury praising, among other things, excellent structures and processes in occupational health and safety and occupational medicine, health communication, demographic management and target group-specific offers.

On March 27 at 11 a.m., we will present the focal points and ideas of the next ISPO Munich. Be one of the first to find out what to expect - and contribute your questions and wishes in the live Q&A session!
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