Mountain sports/05/03/2019

Climbing Yoga: Training, Balance and Relaxation for Climbers

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SUP yoga, yoga diving, beer yoga and aerial yoga are all things of the past. The latest trend is climbing yoga. But what exactly is it all about and how d🥃oes a human climbing tree look like? Climber and yoga teacher Marius Beyer has the answers.

Der neue Trend: Kletteryoga.
The new trend: climbing yoga.

Why Yoga and Climb🦹ing Complement Each Other𓄧 Perfectly

Climbing yoga is a yoga style that is specifically tailored to the needs of sports climbers and boulderers. Specific asanas, warm-up, breathing, coordination and massage techniques improve mobility, body tension, coordination and breathing and thus make climbing more fun," explained Mariu🅺s Beyer.

The enthusiastic climber and certified yoga teacher has been practicing yoga in various styles since 2004 and has developed climbing yoga based on these. At the ISPO Body & Mind Stage, he✅ pre💮sented his innovative sport at the ISPO Munich 2019 and amazed the audience with the human climbing tree.

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